A Complete Guide to Turning Text into Audio with Audio-LDM

Mike Young - Jun 24 '23 - - Dev Community

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, AI models have emerged as powerful tools that enable us to create remarkable things. One such impressive feat is text-to-audio generation, where we can transform written words into captivating audio experiences. This breakthrough technology opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to turn a sentence like "two starships are fighting in space with laser cannons" into a realistic sound effect instantly.

In this guide, we will explore the capabilities of the cutting-edge AI model known as audio-ldm. Ranked 152 on AIModels.fyi, audio-ldm harnesses latent diffusion models to provide high-quality text-to-audio generation. We'll also discover how AIModels.fyi helps us find similar models and make informed decisions about which ones suit our needs best. So, let's embark on this exciting journey!

About the audio-ldm Model

The audio-ldm model, created by haoheliu, is a remarkable AI model designed specifically for text-to-audio generation using latent diffusion models. With a track record of 20,533 runs and a model rank of 152, audio-ldm has gained significant popularity among AI enthusiasts and developers.

To explore the model and access additional resources, you can visit the creator's page on AIModels.fyi here and the detailed model page here. These pages provide comprehensive information about the model, including its description, tags, popularity, cost, and average completion time.

Understanding the Inputs and Outputs of the audio-ldm Model

Before diving into using the audio-ldm model, let's familiarize ourselves with its inputs and outputs.


  • Text (string): This is the text prompt from which the model generates audio. You can provide any text you want to transform into audio.

  • Duration (string): Specifies the duration of the generated audio in seconds. You can choose from predefined values such as 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0, 17.5, or 20.0.

  • Guidance Scale (number): Represents the guidance scale for the model. A larger scale results in better quality and relevance to the input text, while a smaller scale promotes greater diversity in the generated audio.

  • Random Seed (integer, optional): Allows you to set a random seed for the model, influencing the randomness and variability in the generated audio.

  • N Candidates (integer): Determines the number of different candidate audios the model will generate. The final output will be the best audio selected from these candidates.

Output Schema

The output of the audio-ldm model is a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) that represents the location or identifier of the generated audio. The URI is returned as a JSON string, allowing easy integration with various applications and systems.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Using the audio-ldm Model for Text-to-Audio Generation

Now that we have a good understanding of the audio-ldm model, let's explore how to use it to create compelling audio from text. We'll provide you with a step-by-step guide along with accompanying code explanations for each step.

If you prefer a non-programmatic approach, you can directly interact with the model's demo on Replicate via their user interface here. This allows you to experiment with different parameters and obtain quick feedback and validation. However, if you want to delve into the coding aspect, this guide will walk you through using the model's Replicate API.

Step 1: Installation and Authentication

To interact with the audio-ldm model, we'll use the Replicate Node.js client. Begin by installing the client library:

npm install replicate
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Next, copy your API token from Replicate and set it as an environment variable:

export REPLICATE_API_TOKEN=r8_*************************************
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This API token is personal and should be kept confidential. It serves as authentication for accessing the model.

Step 2: Running the Model

After setting up the environment, we can run the audio-ldm model using the following code:

import Replicate from "replicate";

const replicate = new Replicate({
  auth: process.env.REPLICATE_API_TOKEN,

const output = await replicate.run(
    input: {
      text: "..."
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Replace the placeholder "..." with the desired text prompt you want to transform into audio. The output variable will contain the generated audio URI.

You can also specify a webhook URL to receive a notification when the prediction is complete.

Step 3: Setting Webhooks (Optional)

To set up a webhook for receiving notifications, you can use the replicate.predictions.create method. Here's an example:

const prediction = await replicate.predictions.create({
  version: "b61392adecdd660326fc9cfc5398182437dbe5e97b5decfb36e1a36de68b5b95",
  input: {
    text: "..."
  webhook: "https://example.com/your-webhook",
  webhook_events_filter: ["completed"]
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The webhook parameter should be set to your desired URL, and webhook_events_filter allows you to specify which events you want to receive notifications for.

By following these steps, you can easily generate audio from text using the audio-ldm model.

Taking it Further - Discovering Similar Models with AIModels.fyi

AIModels.fyi serves as an invaluable resource for discovering AI models that cater to various creative needs, including text-to-audio generation and much more. It's a comprehensive and searchable database of all models on Replicate, providing the ability to compare models, sort by price, and explore different creators.

If you're interested in finding similar models to audio-ldm or want to explore other text-to-audio generation models, here's how you can leverage AIModels.fyi:

Step 1: Visit AIModels.fyi

Head over to AIModels.fyi to begin your search for similar models and dive into the world of AI-powered creativity.

Step 2: Use the Search Bar

Utilize the search bar at the top of the page to enter specific keywords relevant to your search, such as "text-to-audio," "audio generation," or any other relevant terms. This will generate a list of models related to your query.

Step 3: Filter the Results

On the left side of the search results page, you'll find various filters that can help you narrow down the list of models. Filter and sort by model type (e.g., Image-to-Image, Text-to-Image), cost, popularity, or even specific creators.

By applying these filters, you can discover models that align with your specific needs and preferences. For example, if you're looking for the most popular or cost-effective text-to-audio generation model, you can sort the results accordingly.

AIModels.fyi empowers you to explore and compare models effectively, opening up a world of possibilities for your creative projects.


In this guide, we explored the incredible potential of text-to-audio generation using the audio-ldm model. We learned about its inputs, outputs, and how to interact with the model using Replicate's API. Additionally, we discovered how AIModels.fyi can help us find similar models and expand our horizons in the realm of AI-powered audio enhancement and creation.

I hope this guide has inspired you to explore the creative possibilities of AI and bring your imagination to life. Don't forget to subscribe to AIModels.fyi for more tutorials, updates on new and improved AI models, and a wealth of inspiration for your next creative project. Happy text-to-audio generation and enjoy exploring the world of AI with AIModels.fyi!

For more updates and insights, follow me on Twitter. Also, feel free to check out the blog for additional guides and resources.

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