Bootstrap vs. Tailwind CSS: A Comparison of Top CSS Frameworks

dami - Aug 16 - - Dev Community


There are numerous CSS frameworks available today, each with its unique offerings. Selecting the right CSS framework among these options can be challenging, as most users are unsure which framework best suits their web development project.

In this article, we will compare two of the most popular CSS frameworks - Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS.  You'll learn about their key features, design philosophies, and the CSS customization options for each one. Also, apart from that, you'll get familiar with the developer experience, performance, and support from the community for each of the frameworks.

By the end of this article, you will know the ins and outs of each framework in detail to decide which CSS framework best fits your needs for a project.

Let's get into it!


First, let's understand the frameworks Bootstrap Vs Tailwind CSS.


Bootstrap is a free, open-source CSS framework for creating responsive web pages. Formerly called Twitter Bootstrap, it was created in mid-2010 by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton, former Twitter engineers, to improve the consistency of Twitter's (now X) internal tools.

Key Features:

  • Grid system: 12-column grid system that simplifies responsive design.
  • Component-based: Pre-styled components make building and deploying consistent user interfaces easy.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework created by Adam Wathan, Jonathan Reinink, David Hemphill, and Steve Schoger. They shared a common frustration with existing CSS frameworks. Due to its utility-first approach, it gained rapid popularity, offering granular control over styling.

Key Features:

  • Utility-First: Tailwind CSS is known for its utility-first approach, offering a wide range of utility classes for styling without needing custom CSS.
  • Customization: Thanks to its utility classes, developers can easily customize designs using Tailwind CSS.

Here is the summary of the key features of each of this frameworks.

Tailwind CSS Bootstrap
Utility-first approach Pre-designed UI components
Responsive design Responsive CSS flexbox and grid system
Very flexible and customizable Built-in themes and customization
Integration with modern tools Compatibility with many tools and platforms

Design Philosophy & Approach

In this section, you'll understand the different principles upon which these two frameworks are built. Understanding the principles behind a framework is very important for determining how it fits into your use case.


Bootstrap adopts a component-based approach, offering a set of pre-built and pre-styled components like navbars and buttons that you can easily use while building UIs. This design philosophy has several benefits:

  • Rapid Development: Quickly assemble responsive UIs without extensive CSS customization.
  • Consistency: Ensures your application's uniform look and feel.

Below is an example of its usage.

<button class= "btn btn-success">
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In the example above, the btn and btn-success classes style the button with Bootstrap's predefined styles for primary buttons.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS, on the other hand, follows a utility-first approach, providing an extensive set of utility classes that directly manipulate the styling of HTML elements. This design philosophy has several benefits:

  • Customization and Flexibility: Build custom designs by composing utility classes directly in your HTML.
  • Maintainability: Reduces the need to write custom CSS, making your styles more maintainable.

Below is an example of its usage.

<div class="bg-red-500 text-black rounded-lg">
  Tailwind CSS utility classes
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In the example above, the bg-red-500 sets the background color, text-black sets the text color, and rounded-lg rounds the corners of the div. This way, you can create custom designs without writing additional CSS.

Customization and Theming

While Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS provide CSS customization and theming options, Tailwind CSS excels in this area.


You can customize Bootstrap by overriding the default classes with your custom class. You can modify the color, spacing, and typography to match your design requirements by using CSS Overrides or SASS variables. Overriding default classes using CSS Overrides is easier than SASS variables, aimed at more advanced users. Here's how you can customize Bootstrap using CSS Overrides:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css">
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="custom.css">
    <title>Hello, world!</title>
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As seen in the sample above, your document's HTML file should include a Bootstrap-compiled file and a custom CSS file in the head tag. Create a custom custom.css file in the same directory as your index.html file.

For example, to style all your buttons with a red background and white text, you can override the default Bootstrap style by adding the below code to your custom.css file.

.btn {
  background-color: #ff0000; /* Red background */
  color: #ffffff; /* White text */
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Below is the result.

primary button

Bootstrap also allows you to customize the theme using SASS variables. To change the primary theme color in your components, you can add the following in your custom SASS file, as seen below.

$theme-colors: (
  "primary": #ff0000

@import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
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This will update the primary color across all Bootstrap components that use it.


  • Ease of Use: Simple overrides with CSS.
  • SASS Variables: Advanced CSS customization through variables.


  • Limited Flexibility: Customizing CSS can be time-consuming due to the need for extensive overrides.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS allows developers to configure and create new utility classes. Here's an example of customizing a Tailwind CSS utility class:

// tailwind.config.js
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: [
    './**/*.html', // 
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        customColor: '#ff0000',
  plugins: [],
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<div class="bg-customColor text-white p-4 rounded-lg">
  This is a customized div using Tailwind CSS.
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Below is the result.

customized div using Tailwind CSS.jpg

In the example above, the bg-customColor class is a custom utility class defined in the Tailwind CSS configuration file - tailwind.config.js.

Tailwind CSS also supports theming through its configuration file. Here's an example:

// tailwind.config.js
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: [
    './**/*.html', // 
  theme: {
    colors: {
      primary: '#ff0000',
      secondary: '#00ff00',
    spacing: {
      sm: '8px',
      md: '16px',
  plugins: [],
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This configuration above updates the project's primary and secondary colors and spacing.


  • Highly Customizable: Extensive utility classes and configuration.
  • Flexibility: Creating and applying custom utilities and themes is easy.


  • Learning Curve: Requires mastering utility classes to create custom layouts.

Developer Experience

Bootstrap's learning curve is moderate compared to Tailwind CSS's steep one. Bootstrap's pre-built components can be easily integrated into an application to create layouts, unlike Tailwind CSS, which requires mastering utility classes to create layouts and styles.

Integration with popular front-end frameworks

Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS integrate with popular front-end frameworks such as React and Vue.js. You can easily add Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS to your frontend application by installing from npm or adding a CDN link to the head of your HTML document. Here's how you can add them to your application:


//method 1
npm install bootstrap 
<link href="node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

//method 2
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
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Using the React-Bootstrap framework, Bootstrap also offers easier integration with React. It is a complete re-implementation of the Bootstrap components using React components instead.

It can be installed from npm like this.

npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap
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Tailwind CSS

You can add Tailwind CSS to your project using any of the options below.

//method 1
npm install tailwindcss
npx tailwindcss init
npx tailwindcss build tailwind.css -o tailwind-build.css

//method 2
<script src=""></script> 
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In the first method, we could NPM. And in the second method, we could add it to the <script> tag of our project.

Tailwind CSS also offers tighter integration with Vue.js through the VueTailwind Component Library. It offers a set of pre-built, fully customizable Vue components that can be used to jump-start development.

It can also be installed through npm, as shown below.

npm install vue-tailwind 
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Developer Productivity

When it comes to developer productivity, Bootstrap, and Tailwind CSS, each improve developers' productivity in a unique way.

Bootstrap improves productivity by increasing development speed, allowing developers to design UIs quickly using its pre-built components. Tailwind CSS, on the other hand, will enable developers to spend less time creating custom designs through its utility classes.

Performance and Bundle Size

In this section, we'll compare Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS to see which framework significantly influences page load times and bundle size.

Impact on Page Load Times

Bootstrap's pre-built CSS and JavaScript components tend to be large, potentially slowing page load times. You should only include the necessary components to minimize the bundle size, resulting in faster page load times.

Tailwind CSS, on the other hand, has a relatively faster page load time because it generates CSS on-demand according to the utility class used.

To demonstrate this, we created two custom HTML files—one for Bootstrap and the other for Tailwind CSS. After measuring the page load time with Chrome Lighthouse, we found that the Tailwind CSS page loaded faster than the Bootstrap page. Tailwind CSS's faster load times can be attributed to its lightweight utility classes compared to Bootstrap's bulkier files. Below is the performance rating for each framework according to Lighthouse.

bootstrap performance size.jpg

tailwind performance metrics.jpg
Tailwind CSS's Performance Rating

Bundle size analysis

1. File size evaluation

Bootstrap's bundle size can be larger than Tailwind CSS's. Below is a screenshot of the bundle size generated by both frameworks.

bootstrapi bundle size.jpg
Bootstrap Bundle Size

Tailwind CSS Bundle Size.jpg
TailWind CSS Bundle Size

2. Optimization Techniques

Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS offer optimization techniques to reduce bundle size and improve performance. You can minimize bundle size across both frameworks by Tree-Shaking, which is a process that involves purging unused CSS files from your .css file.

Bootstrap can also be optimized further by Minification.

Aspect Bootstrap Tailwind CSS
Impact on Page Load Times Pre-built components can slow page load times; selective inclusion needed Generates CSS on-demand; typically faster page load times
Bundle Size Generally larger bundle size Typically smaller bundle size
Optimization Techniques Tree-shaking, Minification (.min.css and .min.js files) Tree-shaking, purging unused CSS

The table above provides an overview of critical performance and bundle size differences between the two frameworks.

Design and Aesthetics

In this section, we'll explore the design and aesthetics of Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS. We'll look at the consistency of design in both frameworks, as well as the aesthetic appeal and flexibility of CSS customization.

Design consistency

Bootstrap provides a consistent set of default styles for common HTML elements, ensuring a cohesive look and feel across different components. The default styles include typography, colors, Bootstrap buttons, Bootstrap icons, Bootstrap forms, and other elements.

Tailwind CSS does not have predefined default styles. Users can create custom designs by utilizing the utility classes provided.

Flexibility of Design Customization

While Bootstrap allows for CSS customization, it is less flexible than Tailwind CSS, as discussed in the Customization and Theming section. Achieving a fully unique look requires extensive overrides of default styles. Although Bootstrap also has the Bootstrap theme desginer AIs for template generators. Examples Bootstrap theme desginer AIs include Bootstrapi Studio, Mobirise, etc.

Tailwind CSS, on the other hand, allows developers to create customized designs directly in HTML using utility classes.

Aesthetic appeal in default styles

Bootstrap offers a polished and professional look and feel out of the box. This you can find in Bootstrap buttons, Bootstrap icons, Bootstrap components etc. Its default styles are aesthetically pleasing, offering solid foundations for web app development with minimal tweaking.

While Tailwind CSS doesn't have a predefined aesthetic, its utility-first approach enables a high degree of creativity and variation in design. The images below show that Bootstrap provides a polished, consistent look for the button component, while Tailwind CSS allows for custom button designs.

bootstrap primary button.jpg
Bootstrap's Primary Button Style

tailwind primary button variants.jpg
Tailwind CSS's Design Variation

Community and Ecosystem

This section will compare the community and ecosystem in Bootstrap vs Tailwind CSS.

Community support

Bootstrap stands out as a large and vibrant community with more users, GitHub stars, and contributors than Tailwind CSS's small but rapidly growing community. Below is the GitHub Page and the number of StackOverflow questions asked for both frameworks.


Below is the Bootstrap Github repository with 169k stars and Stack Overflow pages with over 103k questions tagged [twitter-bootstrap].

bootstrapi github stars.png
Bootstrap's GitHub Page

bootstrap Stack Overflow pages.png
Bootstrap's StackOverflow Questions

Tailwind CSS
Also, below is Tailwind CSS Github Repo with about 81.2k starts and about 10k number of questions on Stack Overflow.

Tailwind Github Stars.png
Tailwind CSS's GitHub Page

Tailwind Stack Overflow Pages.png
Tailwind CSS's StackOverflow Questions

Documentation quality

Bootstrap official documentation is one of the best around, having benefitted from years of continuous iteration; it is well-organized, covering all aspects of the framework. Tailwind CSS also features impressive documentation, but it can't be compared to Bootstrap's at the time of writing.

Third-Party Resources

Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS have a wealth of online tutorials and guides created by the community and third parties. Some examples include:


Tailwind CSS:

Here's a table summarizing the community and ecosystem differences between Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS:

Aspect Bootstrap Tailwind CSS
Community Support Large and established community; extensive user base and contributors. Smaller but rapidly growing community; increasing engagement.
Documentation Quality Extensive, well-organized, continuously updated documentation. Comprehensive and well-maintained documentation; newer compared to Bootstrap.
Third-Party Resources Wide range of tutorials, themes, plugins, and extensions available. Growing number of tutorials and resources; fewer themes and plugins than Bootstrap.


In this article, we compare two popular front-end frameworks, Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS, examining their strengths and weaknesses. Overall, both frameworks are great choices when building modern applications. The right choice, however, depends on your project requirements.

You can try out both Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS. Experiment with their features and see which aligns best with your project requirements. Visit the Bootstrap documentation and the Tailwind CSS documentation to get started.

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