Strapi Starter React Blog

Shada - May 6 '22 - - Dev Community

Strapi is an open-source content management system (CMS) that enables the creation of customizable APIs for any front-end application. Strapi is extremely easy to use because it allows you to create versatile APIs with unique features that you will appreciate. Strapi allows for a great deal of customization.

Why did we make these starters?

Starters allow you to quickly visualize the result of the association between Strapi and your frontend framework. It's easier and faster to dig into an existing application to get an idea of the product than to start an application from scratch. As we've made tutorials on how to make a blog with this or that framework, it seemed useful for the Strapi community to use the resulting application in order to create starters.


To understand how to create a basic blog with Strapi using React and other application software.


You'll need a basic understanding of the following to proceed.

There are previous tutorials available on how to make a blog with this or that framework. It seemed useful for the Strapi community to use the resulting application in order to create starters.

To get started with the starter, you have two options:

  • You can start by installing the starter and then following the tutorial to reproduce it and learn on the way.
  • Or you can run the starter to directly test the application.

Let's see how to run it!

Deploy the backend

To deploy the Strapi instance you'll need:

Once you have created these accounts, you can deploy your instance by clicking on this button.
Before clicking the deploy button, make sure the .env file from strapi backend code has been updated with the information in the image below.

update .env



Here is the repository of the backend of this starter.

After deploying to Heroku, you should see the output shown below.

strapi deployed on heroku

Deploy the frontend

On Netlify
To deploy the frontend, you'll need a free Netlify account. Once you have created your account, you can deploy your instance.


Select a repository name and fill the `API_URL with your Strapi instance on Heroku without the trailing slash.


  • 2 Content types: Article, Category
  • 2 Created articles
  • 3 Created categories
  • Permissions set to true for article and category
  • Responsive design using UIkit


  • "/" display every articles.
  • "/article/:id" display one article.
  • "/category/:id" display articles depending on the category.

Getting started

See full instructions on our Strapi starter blog. Now, let’s clone our GitHub repo and start our server.

git clone
cd strapi-starter-react-blog

Start the frontend server
# Using yarn
yarn install
yarn develop

# Using npm
npm install
npm run develop
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


React server is running here => http://localhost:3000


If you are interested in the idea of making React applications with Strapi, here are the reasons why it is very good to bet on this duo: Strapi + React.

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