Strapi May Product Updates

Strapi - Jun 7 '23 - - Dev Community

Today, as part of the StrapiConf 2023 keynote, we’re thrilled to announce the general availability of Strapi Cloud, a fully managed and collaborative platform for building, deploying, and managing Strapi applications as well as the release of Strapi v4.11.

Strapi Cloud: General Availability

It's been almost a year since we launched the alpha version of Strapi Cloud, and we're proud to share that with 99.99% uptime so far and hundreds of customers already using Strapi Cloud in production, Strapi Cloud is now generally available, stable and secure for everyone to use!

We're also adding amazing new features that we can't wait to share with you today!

Strapi Cloud Custom Domains

We've been listening to your feedback, and we're excited to announce a new feature that many of you have been asking for: the ability to use a custom domain for your CMS. It's easy to set up. Just configure the CNAME DNS record on the Cloud Settings page, and your application will be accessible through your custom domain, instantly.

Cloud Custom Domains

Strapi Cloud Regions (Coming Soon)

Up until now, all of our infrastructure has been hosted in the United States, but starting this month, you will be able to host your project, data, and assets in Europe. We understand how crucial it is for our customers to be GDPR compliant, that’s why we are offering this new capability to serve you better. We're committed to rolling out more regions in the near future without compromising the security and stability of our platform.

Cloud Regions

Strapi Cloud Custom Plan (Coming Soon)

Since we first launched our public tiers Pro & Team, we've received tons of requests for a more customizable plan that gives you total control over your limitations and additional features such as SSO or premium support. Do you want to adjust the number of seats, entries, or API requests? No problem. Do you need more storage or bandwidth? You got it. Our team will work with you on designing a new custom tier to perfectly fit your needs, giving you the flexibility you've been asking for. Please reach out to us at if you want to learn more about Strapi Cloud custom plan.

Cloud Custom Plan

Strapi Cloud Roadmap

As you can see on the Strapi Cloud public roadmap, here’s what you should expect in the next months:

  • Shared project to provide an easy way to share your project between accounts, allowing multiple developers to collaborate seamlessly on the same project.
  • Environments to enable you to experiment with your project, test your changes, and perform quality assurance (QA) in a safe and isolated environments before going to production.
  • Git providers adding support for additional providers such as GitLab and BitBucket.
  • And more such as Auto-scaling and project-level backups!

Strapi v4.11

After the release of the Data pull and private S3 buckets in v4.9, custom fields size customization and documentation plugin override in v4.10, here are the latest enhancements released as part of Strapi v4.11.

Bulk Publish/Unpublish

We know that managing content entries individually can be painful and time-consuming, so we’re thrilled to announce that content managers can now easily publish or unpublish several entries at the same time! Instead of publishing/unpublishing each piece individually, you can now select multiple pieces of content and publish/unpublish them all in one go.

Bulk Publish/Unpublish

Soon, you will be able to do the same when creating or editing entries, saving a lot of time in the process.

TypeScript Support: Automated Schema Type Generation (beta)

In v4.11, we are introducing an exciting new beta feature that automates the process of generating schema types. This feature allows developers to quickly and easily generate and update their type definitions based on their application's code and structure.

With this automated schema type generation feature, developers can rest assured that their types will remain accurate and up-to-date as their content structure evolves over time. This will ultimately help streamline the development process, and reduce the risk of errors and inconsistencies that can arise when manually updating schema types.

Review Workflows (Enterprise Edition)

Review Workflows (Enterprise Edition) II

Review workflows is one of the most requested features and we’re happy to announce that it’s now available in self-hosted Strapi Enterprise and Strapi Cloud Team plan. It allows content teams to easily create, visualize and manage review content stages, enabling greater collaboration and control over the entire content lifecycle.

Large content management teams or teams working with sensitive information often have rigorous content publishing processes. It requires them to use a mix of collaborative tools to get content reviewed before it gets added to their CMS for publication and only after that added it to Strapi and published it.

Review Workflows (Enterprise Edition)

Once configured in the settings, review workflows are available in the Content Manager and Content-Types Builder, and can be easily re-ordered, colour coded and soon assigned to admin users. Throughout these review steps, everyone knows exactly what needs to happen next, and be sure that content is published with confidence, quickly.

The workflows may involve different people and staging depending on the needs. For instance, users can set up legal reviews, proofreading workflows, translation checks, branding check workflow, etc.

Review workflows reduce the number of tools used for content creation, streamline the review process through effective collaboration, and allow bigger teams to save time and effort when publishing content.

Review workflows are available in Strapi v4.11 for all Strapi Enterprise and Strapi Cloud Team plan users, please follow the documentation to learn more about the feature.

Other Improvements

As part of v4.11 we’re also introducing several improvements to the date time picker:

  1. You can now enter a date/time manually by typing, rather than relying only on clicks
  2. You can access the whole calendar with your keyboard.
  3. You can type in a time that's not on the list, ex. 11:11.

Type a Time not on the List

We’ve also updated Strapi React dependencies to React18. This would enable developers to take advantage of the new React18 APIs in their plugins as well ensure our dependencies are up to date with the most recent versions.

StrapiConf 2023

Wondering what’s coming next in Strapi? Watch the video recordings of StrapiConf 2023 to learn about the next product updates and discover the best practices on how to use Strapi.

Try Strapi v4.11 Out Now

To create a new Strapi v4.11 project, simply run the following command:

npx create-strapi-app my-project --quickstart
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Follow the Quick Start Guide for detailed step-by-step instructions or have a look at a video instruction.

We would love to hear what you think about the new features! Let us know in this forum thread.

Building Strapi Together

Strapi is an open-source product that grows thanks to community support and contributions.

Here's how you can help us improve the product:

We appreciate each contribution and piece of feedback that you share. Stay tuned for more updates!

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