liner notes:
Professional : Got up early to attend the first talk prep session of the day. We went over some details for the upcoming Vonage Developer Day. You can register for it here: Had a meeting with my team to do a Retrospective. Attended another talk prep session. Did another internal testing of a tutorial with a team member in a different part of the company. Oh, and I finished up applying some feedback for a demo I'm working on with another team and submitted it for them to give it some views. Getting some really good feedback on it. For the rest of the day, I worked on creating a sample CLI application using Ink which uses React.
Personal : Last night, just did some coding and watched some YouTube. Kept it pretty chill.
Going to keep working the Ink CLI sample app for a little longer. I'll also check out some tracks for this week's radio show before going to bed.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /