liner notes:
Professional : Sent the demo I've been working on to some folks to test out. Got some really good feedback and even an invite to speak at a WebXR meetup in San Francisco. Also got some links to more resources to dive into. There was a bug that was really bothering me that wouldn't work. It made me feel like the project wasn't complete if it didn't work. While I was sleeping last night, it's almost like it came to me in a dream. haha I thought of a possible workaround. So today, I worked on making that work, and it did! It's not the greatest, but it's a hack together demo and it worked. Worked on the demo's UI to the point that I'm happy with it. So in my book, the demo is done outside of cleaning up the random bits of code left over. Also had our greater team meeting so it was good to see everyone.
Personal : Last night, I got a bit done on the dashboard. A user can log in and then based on their role, certain elements will show up. Also went through some tracks for the radio show. Not a bad night.
Totally forgot to back up tracks to the cloud while I'm at the park. When I get back to the parking spot, I want to work on the dashboard for my side project. Maybe get the uploading functionality working on some things. Looks like it may rain later so I'll probably go to bed early.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /