liner notes:
Professional : Whew... remember when I said I think I'm getting over my cold... nope. haha I don't know if it was because I got up super early to attend an APAC time friendly meeting so I could to a demo, but I was not feeling too well. The demo went well. It's a live translations in a video call demo application. There's a couple of things I noticed when a bunch of people joined the call concerning the layout. Also, I think because we were on a video call for the meeting, that may have caused some issues in the demo. Either way, it worked! Went back to sleep after the meeting. Woke up for another meeting. Spent the day resting up and drinking a bunch of water and working (slowly, haha) on some stuff. Answering community questions, fixing stuff I found with the demo and looking over a team member's presentation.
Personal : I went through Bandcamp and picked up some projects for this week. Also caught up with the new "Rurouni Kenshin" episodes. I tried a quick thing to fix the issue I'm running into my side project. Didn't work, so I went to sleep so I could get up early the next day. I'll have to look into some other solutions, just not when I'm sick. haha It'll be alright.
Browsing Bandcamp, I saw that Foreign Exchange was having a listening party for the album "Connected" that came out 19 years ago today. I'm listening to it right now. Pretty cool to read from the producer of the album in the chat about the behind the scenes of tracks. Going to eat dinner and continue listening to the event. Afterwards, I'll go through tracks for the radio show and get my posts about the projects I picked up for social media ready for tomorrow. If I feel up to it, I'll see if I can fix that issue with my side project.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /