liner notes:
- Saturday : Did the radio show from the park! Had a pretty good show. Went on a little bit of a rant. The recording of this week's show is at
Sunday : Found a new spot to park on the weekends. Pretty nice and off the main road. It rained hard all night. I slept really good. Spent most of the day in the park writing some code. Once I figured out some bugs, I headed to my folks place. Spent the night doing some more coding and watched "The Walking Dead" spinoff shows.
Professional : Had a lot of meetings today. I did get to work on some documentation and demo some code I was working on. Not too bad.
Personal : So there's a tropical storm by Florida and the darkness of the skies for the past couple of days is really eerie. Just want to go to sleep. haha
So tired. I may have another demo with a local event organizer to see if the bug fixes I made over the weekend actually work just not on my computer. haha. Probably work on the layout for my new project.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /