liner notes:
Professional : Pretty chill day. Had a couple of meetings. Dove into some code and documentation and found a thing I've been looking for. Integrated it into my demo application and it worked. Cool. Going to create a code snippet and add it to the documentation site.
Personal : Last night, I got the tutorial part working on the dashboard. So now, I can add a URL to the tutorial, click a button to get the metadata and then add it to the database. I can look at add submitted tutorials and do the same thing. Plus I can delete tutorials. Got a bunch of stuff done for adding tutorials on the live site, but didn't finish.
Checked on the tracking for my laptop. "It's on its way!" Woohoo! So I wasn't scammed. haha We'll see when I open the box. haha Tonight, I want to get the tutorial section on the live page done and start on the HACO portion. After that, the work session should be pretty much good to go. Still haven't watched the first episode of "Loki". haha. You can see what I'd rather do with my free time. haha
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /