liner notes:
Professional : Took part in a retrospective of a series of events we recently did. Cool to be able to put in my thoughts. Looking forward to doing them again. Created a pull request and got it merged. Had a meeting. Worked on another ticket to add a feature. Got it done and submitted a pull request. Pretty productive day.
Personal : So the elections happened last night...pretty much all I did. A Ferris Wheel of emotions. haha I did think about the design for the next project I want to work on. Oh and I added some local meetup organizers to the dashboard of the new site. Looking forward to seeing how they will use it.
Did a lot of coding today. Think I'm going to work on the design on the new site. I should also get the recording from the last radio show submitted to the station to be played this week. I'll probably go through some tracks will I'm working on the design.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /