liner notes:
Professional : Helped out with a community question. Had a couple of meetings. Good to see everyone in one place. Went over some implementation details for a feature in a demo I've been working on. Worked on slides for my next talk. Pretty much it.
Personal : Last night, I went through tracks for the radio show and worked on my slides. Didn't get to watch any anime though.
Going to go through Bandcamp and pick up some projects so I can post tomorrow. Maybe put together some tracks for the radio show. Definitely want to work on my slides. The thing I need to work on is just finish a slide and move on. Stop trying to make everything perfect the first time. I'll have time to revise later. Let's see if I can fit in some anime. Last night I realized that there are new seasons of anime released that I watched a few years ago and forgot about them. haha
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /