liner notes:
- Saturday : Got up early to finish up working on the radio show. Finished it up and watched an episode of "WandaVision". It's getting really good. Then had the show and had really good time as usual. The recording of this week's show is at
Sunday : Pretty productive day. Finished up the post radio promotional work and set up email blasts. Got the audio player on reworked so it wouldn't skip any time timestamps. Did my laundry. Watched an episode of a new show on BBC called "The Watch". I need to catch up on episodes. Ended the night with a meeting with some friends to see what they've got planned and see how I can help. Got to demo the dashboard for They seemed to like it.
Professional : Got to do the live stream show at work today. Got to demo an application I was building at work and . We worked through some errors in an application we were building on the stream. Really good show. Got to talk to a bunch of people in the chat. After that, worked on some updates of a page to add some more functionality to a tool. Ran into a couple of snags I need to figure out.
Personal : Got woken up early in the morning by some heavy rain and wind. It was pretty loud. Can't wait till I get to build out the inside of my van and add sound dampening. Checked on my order and it still says processing. It's been like 2 weeks! haha
Left from my folks place, got some Wendy's and made my way to the park. About to take a walk around the park and stretch my legs. After that, going to fix some glitches I ran into at work. Then will probably watch another episode of "The Watch" and design out a project I've been working on.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /