liner notes:
- Saturday : Before heading to the station, I worked on finishing up some work on a side project so that I could send it to folks to try it out. Headed to the station a little later than normal, but got there in time to be able to set up. Did the show and had a good time as usual. I think I may have found a groove with doing some of the post radio show work to get the show uploaded. I've been getting the work done pretty quickly. The recording of this week's show is at
Sunday : Did my study sessions over at and got quite a few things done. I ended the night watching an episode of a show called "Extraordinary" on Hulu. It's pretty funny. I'll keep checking it out.
Professional : Today is the day I decided that I will finally get this draft for the blog post done one way or another. haha. In addition to the meeting with my manager and helping out with some community questions, I actually got the draft complete. Now, I can send it for review from some folks. Also got the okay to cut the line on a couple of tickets and move them to done based on what I got completed.
Personal : So, now that I'm "done" with one side project. It's time to pick up where I left off with a previous side project. The good news is that the project I just finished will help with my other side project. Just a little different configuration. I'm hoping I'll be able to get something up an running pretty quickly. I mean, it's running now, but there are a couple of things left.
For my next side project, I want to create a Web Component for a feature, but I'm not sure if I can do what I want. Going to see if I can spin up a quick example and try to make it work. I'll probably work through the tracks I have set up for the radio show and start to build out the playlist and look up some artists' social media handles. I got A LOT of tracks prepared last week. I think I might be good for at least a month. Definitely want to keep that lead going. Off to eat dinner and get to work.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /