liner notes:
- Saturday : Spent most of the day figuring out how I wanted to structure the side project I'm working on. There's a lot of moving parts and different aspects that can happen. So, I'm going to build separate applications that handle different functions but share the same database. That way, if I need to work on something, I won't have to touch a totally separate part of the project. Then it was time for the radio show. Had a really good time as usual. The recording of this week's show is at
Sunday : Drove to my folks place since I have a presentation this week and wanted to make sure I had a pretty stable internet connection. Plus I got some packages. Spent the day finishing up some post radio show work and working on my side project. Added some restrictions to some routes for a log in to the admin section of the site. Built out some of the functionality for the dashboard. Then I watched the latest episode of "The Watch".
Professional : Started the day off doing our weekly live stream. Did a little talking about some anime, so it was a good time. haha. Then I updated some documentation to reflect some changes in the SDK. Then I worked on making some format changes so they fit better. Pretty productive day.
Personal : This weekend, I didn't get to watch "Dinosaurs". I don't know. I haven't been watching anime or really any new shows. Just been working on side projects. How my priorities have changed. haha.
Going to continue working on admin dashboard. Got the login working, now I want to start being able to add, list and modify data. Maybe I'll watch an episode of "Dinosaurs".
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /