liner notes:
- Saturday : So, I went out Friday and got back super late. Didn't really have a chance finish preparing for the radio show so I did it up to the start of the show. I've really been getting closer and closer to show time. haha I need to prepare the show earlier in the week. I've said that before. haha
Sunday : Did the post radio show promo work, my laundry and did a couple of tutorials and read some articles on doing push notifications. Then I watched "Fear the Walking Dead" and "Gangs of London".
Professional : Pretty good way to start the week. Got some answers to questions and issues I was running into with a sample demo application I am making. Thought it was something I was missing, but the things I was looking for wasn't in the version I have. Had a couple of meetings. Got to help out a team member with some code that they were working on. Productive.
Personal : So, I did 2 tutorials that walked through creating a basic frontend and backend of an application that can do push notifications. It was done in Vanilla JavaScript and Node JS. It was good to see what it takes to make it work. I'm thinking I won't even need to use a framework, just us JavaScript and Firebase.
Going to see if I can get the push notifications working for my side project. Let's see if I can get it working with just Vanilla JavaScript and Firebase. Maybe I'll actually go through tracks for the radio show this week.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /