liner notes:
- Saturday : Pretty action packed day. Before the show, I went to hang out an event to support and say hi to some folks. We had the promoters come by the station to talk about it. Got to the venue maybe a couple of hours before I head to the station and spent like an hour hanging out. It was a good vibe. Got to the station and set everything up to do the show. Did the show. Had a good time as usual. Did all the post radio show stuff to get the show's recording to the different podcast feeds and onto the site. When I finished that, I went back to the venue to catch the rest of the show and performances. I was tired by the time I got to my spot. haha The recording of this week's show is at
Sunday : Since I had a late night Saturday, my Sunday also got started late. haha It was still pretty productive. Did my Sunday cyphers at Got my normal chores done. Got a pretty good start on a new Web Component I'm building. I even put in the new mattress I purchased for my van. The foam thing I had started falling apart. This one has a covering over it. It's pretty firm and it's foldable. In the future, I want to be able to sit up in bed, so that will be helpful. Ended the night catching up on some anime episodes.
Professional : Today was pretty quiet. No meetings or anything. Basically spent the whole day working on this Web Component. I'm learning ALOT about SVG and Lit then I thought I would need. haha Made a lot of progress. Only like a couple of more things to knock out and it should be good to start testing. Tomorrow looks like it's going to be a day FULL of meetings! haha
Personal : So, I've been sort of looking at the things to do in Singapore. There's a lot of cool places. I'm going to write down all the places I want to see and group them together by location. That way I can get as much done in a day without having to travel back and forth between spots. Basically, my plan is to spend the day out in an area and see everything I need so I don't have to double back. I don't have anything written out yet though. I did kind of pick out my clothes for the trip. Going to iron and pack them during the week. Hopefully will give me time if I find I'm missing something.
My plan is to eat dinner, see how much I can get done with this new Web Component, do some ironing, and go through some tracks for the radio show. Let's see how much I can get done. haha Gotta focus. I have no time to lose.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /