liner notes:
Professional : Finally finished the draft for the blog post I've been working on. Recording some stuff in the terminal took a lot longer than I thought. Thanks to my team for letting me know about a program for the Mac to make gifs from videos and screen recordings. It's funny how you can find some gaps in your writing when you have to record a video based on the steps you wrote. Had a couple of talk prep sessions. Pretty productive day.
Personal : Hmmm... what did I do last night? haha Probably was packing and maybe worked on the side project.
Full pack mode for the rest of the night. Want to clear out my room tonight. I'll also submit the recording of the last radio show to the station to be played this week. Maybe listen to some tracks while I pack. (That rhymed! haha)
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /