liner notes:
Professional : Got to have a meeting with the team I've been working with on a demo for them. They wanted to see how I used the APIs to make the demo work, so I walked them through the code. They liked what I did and suggested some things that haven't been put into the documentation yet. Looking forward to trying it out. I came across a StackOverflow question about our APIs. I've never posted to StackOverflow before, normally just checked the site to see if they had any answers to questions I had. haha So today I signed up and replied to the person's question. We'll see if that helped. Also, did a review and merged a pull request. I haven't been getting GitHub notifications because they have been going to an email I'm not using for that, so I switched it to my work email. For the rest of the day, we had a run through of the Vonage Developer Day online conference schedule. You can check it out and register for FREE at .
Personal : Worked on finishing up the demo feature and went over some Japanese before going to bed.
Planning to go to bed early. Got some early meetings and I want to get up to finish my slides so I can do my run through later in the day.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /