liner notes:
Professional : Pretty good day. Had a bunch of meetings. Gave my thoughts on a project. Got to demo the library I've been working on. Created some slides for another demo I want to do tomorrow for the team meeting. Also did some work on a project for my upcoming trip.
Personal : Fam, spent so much time getting this code to work to only find that the library I used in a project just a couple of months ago, removed the feature I was trying to implement. You know I had no where else to turn when I go to Discord. haha That's where I saw another person had an issue and that's where I got the news. Good thing that I went through tracks for the radio show and some other stuff before coding.
Going to dive into the code. I did some research last night and I think I have a game plan make it work. I'm still not sure if I can use third party libraries, but I'm going to find out. If I can't, I think I have an alternate plan, but that'll take more time. May go through Bandcamp to check out some tracks to pick this week.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /